
A microchip can provide a lifetime of permanent identification if your dog or cat gets lost.

It’s common for pets to get curious and explore their surroundings, but sometimes they may get lost. That’s where microchips prove useful. Microchips perform the same task as ID tags but, microchips never get disconnected or need replacement. This procedure can give you peace of mind that you will be reconnected with your cherished pet.

What is microchipping and how does it work?

Microchips are small computer chips inserted beneath your pet’s skin. The chip is usually inserted between the neck and shoulder. Each chip has a barcode connected to a database. Once the chip is inserted the pet owner uploads their contact information and details about their pet. If your pet wanders too far off a veterinarian or a shelter can scan the chip which will identify the pet owner’s information in the system. For more information on microchipping please contact our team at 905-727-3003.

Why should I microchip my pet?

Microchipping your pet is an added bonus to being reunited with a lost pet. Other benefits of microchips are that they don’t have side effects and they never wear out. The chip only needs to be inserted once and never needs changing again. Another benefit is that once scanned only the information you supplied when you registered is shown.

Is microchipping painful for my pet?

The pain your pet may experience is minute. Implanting a microchip feels like a regular injection to your pet. The chip is as small as a rice grain and it is so painless that it is inserted without anesthesia.

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